The representative session of the Conference doesn't start until Saturday 26 June, so blog posts from Gareth Hill (a Methodist minister from Cornwall) will start to appear then.
In the meantime, you can check out the official Methodist Conference website, for all the info you could possibly want about the event.
When the Conference starts, you can follow the action in a number of different ways:
* On Twitter, you can follow the official Conference twitterstream via @MethodistMedia, or contribute to the wider discussion, by using the Conference hashtag - #methconf.
* On Facebook, all news and info from the Conference will be available and regularly updated on the Methodist Media Facebook page, by myself and Karen Burke from the media team.
* You can check out photos from the Conference on the official Flickr photostream.
* You can listen live to the debates (in partnership with Premier Christian Radio), or watch the debates live on the Conference website. Audio and video from the debates will also be available after the business sessions on the Methodist web radio page.
(just a few links to be getting on with there)
Any questions? Get in touch with the media team via
Anna Drew
Lead Media Officer
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